Learning Algorithms

This classes implement many different learning structure algorithms.

Learning Algorithms Components

Learning Callbacks



Colombo, D., & Maathuis, M. H. (2014). Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15, 3921–3962.


Tsamardinos, I., Brown, L. E., & Aliferis, C. F. (2006). The max-min hill-climbing Bayesian network structure learning algorithm. Machine Learning, 65(1), 31–78.


Trabelsi, G., Leray, P., Ben Ayed, M., & Alimi, A. M. (2013). Dynamic MMHC: A local search algorithm for dynamic Bayesian network structure learning. Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XII, 8207 LNCS, 392–403.


Meek, C. (1995). Causal Inference and Causal Explanation with Background Knowledge. In Eleventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI’95), 403–410.